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Archive for April 2011















Q. No. 1
Compare Ithihasa – Purana tradition of Indian History with the Arab –
Persian tradition. Which one reflects more historical sense. Substantiate.
CXn-lm-k-]p-cmW cN-\m-co-Xn-bpw, Ad_v t]¿jy≥ cN\m coXnbpw Xmc-X-ay-s-
Sp-Øp-I. GXn-\mWv IqSp-X¬ Ncn{X t_m[-ap-≈-sX∂v ]cn-tim-[n-°p-I.
S. Indicators : Awareness about Ithihasa Purana Tradition of
writing. (Score : 2)
: Awareness about Persian Tradition of writing
C. O: No.1, Writing (Score : 2)
Total : 4 score 8 Minutes Chapter : 1
Q. No. 2
Any discussion on Indology could not be complete without a mention of
Max Muller. This is the opinion of a student in the class room discussion. In
the light of the above statement analyse the contributions of Max Muller.
amIvkv apf-fsd Hgn-hm-°ns°m- p≈ C≥tUm-fPn kw_-‘-amb ]T\
A]q¿Æ-am-Wv. CXv ¢m€vdqw N¿®-bn¬ Hcp Ip´n-bpsS A`n-{]m-b-amWv
CXns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ amIvkv ap≈-dpsS kw`m-h-\-I-sf-°p-dn®v hne-bn-cpØp-
Formulated idea of Indological studies (Score : 2)
,, ideas of Max Muller and his contributions (Score : 2)
C.O. 1 Total score 4, Time 8 mts
Q. No. 3
James Mill periodisation of Indian History in to Hindu, Muslim and
British Civilization sowed the seeds of communalization of History. How do
you respond to this statement. Give reasons.
C¥ym Ncn-{X-Øn¬ lnμp, ap…ow, {_n´ojv kwkvIm-c-ß-fm-bp≈ sPbnw-kvan-
√s‚ hn`-P\w Ncn-{X-Øn¬ h¿§o-b-h-ev°-c-W-Øn\v Imc-W-am-bn. sXfn-hp-Iƒ
klnXw Cu A`n-{]m-b-tØmSv {]Xn-I-cWw tcJ-sΠ-Sp-Øp-I.
- Formulated idea about Colonial Historiography (Score : 1)
- Awareness about the periodisation of History (Score : 2)
- Impact of periodisation (Score : 2)
Total Score : 5 M.P. 2 Chapter : 1
Q. No. 4
Prepare a chart on the sources of information for the re-construction of
Ancient Indian History.
{]mNo\ C¥ym Ncn-{X-c-N-\bv°v klm-b-I-amb Dd-hn-S-ßsf ASn-ÿm-\-am°n
Hcp Nm¿´v Xøm-dm-°p-I.
- Formulated idea about Archeological sources (Score : 3)
- Literary sources (Score : 3)
Total Score : 6 Time : 12 Minutes Chapter : 1
Q. No. 5
You are given a coin. What are the informations can you collect from it.
\n߃°p In´nb \mW-b-Øn¬ \n∂v e`n-°p∂ hnh-c-ß-sf-°p-dn®p hni-Zo-Icn-°
- Formulated idea about numismatics (Score : 2)
- Collect information (Score : 2)
Total Score : 4 Time : 8 mts. Chapter : 1
Q. No. 6
The History of a country is very much influenced by its geographical features.
Examine the validity of the statement in the case of Indian History.
`qan-im-kv{X-]-c-amb {]tXy-I-X-Iƒ Hcp cmjv{S-Øns‚ Ncn-{XsØ kzm[o-\n-°p-
∂p. Cu {]kvXm-h-\-bpsS ]›m-Ø-e-Øn¬ `qan-im-kv{X-]-c-amb khn-ti-j-XIƒ
C¥ym-N-cn-{XsØ Fßns\ kzm[o-\n-°p∂p F∂v ]cn-tim-[n-°p-I.
- Formulated idea about the influence of
Geographical features (Score : 2)
- Formulated idea of Indian Geography (Score : 2)
Total Score : 4 Time : 8 mts. Chapter : 2
Q. No. 7
While digging on your land, you have got remains of some pottery. What
would be the different methods that you adopt to find out its age.
]p-c-bn-S-Øn¬ Ipgn-sb-Sp-°p∂ Ah-k-c-Øn¬ \n߃°v a¨]m-{Xm-h-in-jvS߃
e`n-°m-\n-S-bm-bn. Cu ]m{X-ß-fpsS Ime-Π-g°w \n¿Æ-bn-°m-≥ \n߃
kzoI-cn-°p∂ am¿§-ßsfΠ‰n hni-Zo-I-cn-°p-I.
- Formulated idea about the different dating methods (Score : 4)
Total Score : 4 Time : 8 mts.
Q. No. 8
In a seminar paper a student has come to the conclusion that the Indusvalley
Civilization is one of the glorious civilization in the world. Critically examine
the statement.
kn‘p-\-Zo-XS kwkvImcw temI kwkvIm-c-ß-fn¬h®v hfsc t{ijvS-am-sW∂v
Hcp hnZym¿∞n Ahs‚ skan-\m¿ t]Π-dn¬ kqNn-Πn-°p-∂p. Cu \nK-a-\-
Øns‚ km[pX ]cn-tim-[n-°p-I.
- Developed ideas of Indus Town Planning (Score : 3)
- Analysed the Political, Social and religious life (Score : 3)
- Indus scripts and seals
Total Score : 8 Time : 15 mts. Chapter : 3
Q. No. 9
Do you consider the Neolithic Age as a period of quick change in comparison
with the Paleolithic Age. Evaluate.
]p-cm-X\ inem-bp-K-tØ-°mƒ ]ptcm-KXn {]m]n® Ime-L-´-am-bn-cp∂p \ho\
inem-bp-K-sa∂p \n߃ Icp-Xp-∂pt- m? hne-bn-cp-ØpI?
- Formulated idea about Paleolithic Age (Score : 2)
- Developed idea about Neolithic AGe (Score : 3)
Total Score : 5 Time : 10 mts. Chapter : 2
Q. No. 10
A student tries to find out the causes for the decline of the Indus Valley
Civilization. He knows only about Aryan Invasion. Help him to find out the
remaining causes.
kn‘q-\-Zo-XS kwkvIm-c-Øns‚ A[:]X\ Imc-W-߃ Is- -Øm≥ Hcp
Ip´n {ian-°p-∂p. Bcy-Σm-cpsS BK-a-\-amWv Hcp Imc-W-sa∂v Ip´n°v Adnbmw.
a‰p Imc-W-߃ Is- -Øp-∂-Xn\v Ip´nsb klm-bn-°p-I.
- Developed an idea of the decline of Indus Civilization (Score : 3)
Total Score : 3 Time : 6 mts. Chapter : 1
Q. No. 11 C.O.
'Rigvedic Society' was an ideal society in the true sense. This is the opinion
of a student in a class room debate. Give your view points in detail.
EtKz-Z-Im-e-L-´-Ønse kaqlw Hcp amXrIm kaq-l-ambncp∂p F∂Xv Hcp
bmYm¿∞y-am-Wv. ¢mkv dqw N¿®-bn¬ Db¿∂p-h∂ A`n-{]m-b-am-Wn-Xv. \n߃
CXns\ Fßns\ hne-bn-cp-Øp-∂p.
- Developed a idea of Rigvedic Social Life (Score : 2)
- ,, its values (Score : 1)
Total Score : 3 Time : 6 mts. Chapter : 1
Q. No. 12
A historian collected different materials like fossils, rocks, pots, etc. related to
pre-historic period. Suggest different dating methods.
Ncn-{Xm-Xo-X-Im-e-L-´-Ønse t^mkn-ep-Iƒ, ]md-Iƒ, a¨]m-{X-߃ XpS-ßnbh
Hcp Ncn-{X-Im-e≥ tiJ-cn-®n-´p- v. Hmtcm-∂n\pw A\p-tbm-Py-amb Ime-KW-\
m-coXn \n¿t±-in-°p-I.
- Suggestion for dating methods of fossils (Score : 1)
- ,, of pots (Score : 1)
- ,, of rocks (Score : 1)
Total Score : 3 Time : 6 mts. Chapter : 1
Q. No. 13 C.O. 8, 10
Compare the status of popular assemblies existed in the Rigvedic and Later
Vedic Period.
EtZz-Z-Im-e-L-´-Øn-te-bpw, ]n¬°me thZ-Im-e-L-´n-Øn-sebpw P\-Iob k`-
Isf Xmc-X-ay-sΠ-Sp-Øp-I.
- Developed an idea about popular assemblies
of the Rigvedic period (Score : 1)
- Assembles of Later Vedic Period (Score : 1)
- Comparative Study (Score : 2)
Total Score : 5 Time : 10 mts. Chapter : 1
Q. No. 14 C.O. 6
"It is absolutely impossible to read Indus Script" – This is the opinion of a
student in a seminar paper. Critically examine the validity of the statement in
kn‘p-\m-K-cnI Ime-L-´-Ønse en]n hymJym-\n-°p-∂Xv Akm-[y-amWv ˛ CXv
Hcp hnZym¿∞n skan-\m¿ t]Π-dn¬ tcJ-sΠ-Sp-Ønb A`n-{]m-b-am-Wv. Cu A`n-
{]m-bsØ hna¿i-\m-fl-I-ambn ]cn-tim-[n-°p-I.
- Obtained an idea of Indus Script (Score : 1)
- Understood the difficulty in deciphering it. (Score : 1)
Total Score : 3 Time : 6 mts. Chapter : 1
Q. No. 15 C.O. 10
Make a list of the different stages of Ashramas of life. To which Ashrama you
belong. Bring out the duties of the Ashrama to which you belong.
Pohn-X-Øns‚ hnhn-[-L-´-߃ (B-{i-a-߃) GsX√mw? CXn¬ \n߃ GXp
hn`m-K-Øn¬sΠ-Sp-∂p F∂p a\-€n-em-°n, AXns‚ [¿½-߃ hni-Zo-I-cn-°pI?
- Developed a list of the Ashramas (Score : 2)
- Find out the Ashrama and its duties (Score : 2)
Total Score : 4 Time : 8 mts. Chapter : 2
Q. No. 16
The decay of vedic religion and the rigidity of the varna system are the factors
that led to the rise of two new religions in India is the 6th century BC.
Examine the statement.
sshZn-I-a-X-Øns‚ A[:]X-\-hpw, I¿°-i-amb NXp¿h¿Wy-k-{º-Zmbhpw 6˛mw
\q‰m- p _n.-kn.-bn¬ 2 ]pXnb aX-ßfpw D¬`-h-Øn\p Imc-W-am-bn. Cu
{]kvXm-h\ hne-bn-cp-Øp-I.
- Formulated idea about the evil practices (Score : 2)
existed in the vedic society
- Formulated idea about the origin of two religions in
in the 6th century (Score : 2)
Total Score : 4 Time : 10 mts. Chapter : 5
Q. No. 17
Social and religious evils always create a reaction among the people against
the existing system. Examine to what extent the socio-religious background
in the 6th century BC contributed to the development of Jainism and
aX-˛-km-aq-ly-Xn-Σ-Iƒ F√m-Im-e-L-Ønepw i‡-amb {]Xn-I-c-W-߃ krjvSn-
®-´p- v. Bdmw \q‰m- v _n.-kn. bn¬ ssP\-a-X-Øns‚bpw, _p≤-a-X-Øns‚
bpw D¬`-h-Øn\v aX-˛-km-aqly ]›m-Øew F{X-am{Xw klm-bn-®n-´ps-
∂v ]cn-tim-[n-°pI?
- Awareness about the social and religious evils (Score : 2)
- Evaluated the developments of Jainism & Budhism (Score : 3)
Total Score : 5 Time : 10 mts. Chapter : 5
Q. No. 18
Eventhough Buddhism and Jainism Practically disappeared from India, it still
continues to influence the minds of Indians. Examine the statement.
_p-≤-a-Xhpw, ssP\-a-Xhpw C¥y-bn¬ \n∂v A{]-Xy-£-am-sb-¶nepw C∂pw
AXv C¥y≥ a\-kp-Isf kzm[o-\n-°p-∂p. Cu {]kvXm-h\ ]cn-tim-[n-°p-I.
- Awareness about the decline of Jainism and Buddhism
(Score : 2)
- Awareness about principles these two religions and its impact
(Score : 2)
Total Score : 5 Time : 10 mts. Chapter : 5
Q. No. 19
Eventhough Mahavira was the 24th Thirthankara, he can rightly be called the
real founder of Jainism. Examine the validity of statement.
alm-ho-c-≥ ssP\-a-X-Øns‚ 24-˛mw-asØ Xo¿∞m-¶-c-\m-sW-¶nepw bYm¿∞
ÿm]-I-\mbn IW-°m-°-sΠ-Sp∂p ˛ Cu {]kvXm-h-\-bpsS km[yX ]cn-tim-[n-
- Development an idea of Thirthankara (Score : 1)
- Analysed the contributions made by Varthamana Mahavira
(Score : 2)
Total Score : 3 Time : 6 mts. Chapter : V C.O. 12, 13
Q. No. 20
The ancient Indian philosophers proposed six Darsanas the attainment of
salvation. Prepare notes on six systems of Indian philosophy.
]pcm-X\ C¥y-bnse XXz-Nn-¥-I-Σm¿ tam£-{]m-]vXn-°mbn Bdv Z¿i-\-ß-fm-
Wv \n¿t±-in-®n-cp-∂-Xv. C¥y-≥ XXz-im-kv{X-Ønse Bdv Z¿i-\-ßsf°pdn®v
IpdnΠv Xøm-dm-°p-I.
- Analysed six systems of Indian philosophy (Score : 4)
Time : 8 mts. Chapter : 9
Q. No. 21
The Nalanda University is considered as the crowning glory of Indian Culture
and Civilization. Elucidate.
\f-μ-k¿Æ-I-em-im-esb C¥y≥ kwkv°mcØ\n-a-bpsS aIp-tSm-Zm-l-c-W-ambn
IW-°m-°p-∂p. hni-Zo-I-cn-°pI?
- Formulated idea of Nalanda University (Score : 2)
- Formulated idea of the functioning of Nalanda University
(Score : 2)
Total Score : 4 Time : 8 mts. Chapter : 9
Q. No. 22
Prepare a chart comparing the factors that led to the decline of Budhism and
_p≤-a-X-Øn-s‚bpw, ssP\-a-X-Øn-s‚bpw A[:]X-\-Øn-te°v \bn® Imc-Wƒ
Xmc-X-ay-sΠ-Sp-Øn-s°m- v Hcp Nm¿´v Xøm-dm-°pI?
- Awareness about the causes for the decline of Budhism (Score : 2)
- ,, Jainism (Score : 2)
Total Score : 4 Time : 8 mts. MP. 7
Q. No. 23, C.O. 14
List out the factors that led to the rise of Magadha as an Empire.
aK-[-bpsS hf¿®-bpsS Imc-W-߃ hni-Z-am-°p∂ enÃv Xøm-dm-°pI?
- Awareness about the rise of Magadha as an Empire -
(Leadership, Geographical factors, natural Resources,
Iron Technology) (Score : 4)
Total Score : 4 Time : 8 mts. M.P. 6, 7
Q. No. 24
Alexander's invasion produced far-reaching influence on Indian Culture and
Civilization – Examine the validity of the statement.
Ae-Ivkm- -dpsS B{I-aWw C¥y≥ kwkv°m-c-Øn\v Zqc-hym-]-I-amb ^e߃
Df-hm-°n. Cu {]kvXm-h-\-bpsS km[pX ]cn-tim-[n-°pI?
- Developed an awareness about Alexander's invasion
(Score : 2)
- Analysed the influence of the invasion on Indian cluture
and civilization
(Score : 2)
Total Score : 4 Time : 8 mts. Chapter : 6 CO - 15
Q. No. 25
Arthasastra of Kautilya gives us valuable principles of Administration.
IuSn-eys‚ A¿∞-imkv{Xw anI-hp‰ cmPy-X-{¥-⁄-X-bpsS XXz-߃ \ap°p
\¬Ip-∂p. hni-Zo-I-c-°pI?
- Awareness about Arthasastra (Score : 2)
- Awareness about Saptharga Theory (Score : 2)
Total Score : 4 Time : 8 mts. Chapter : 6 CO-16
Q. No. 16
According to K.A. Neelakanda Sastri, "the Mauryan Empire was indeed the
first attempt in India to secure administrative centralisation" – Examine the
features of Mauryon administrative system is the light of the above statement.
tI{μo-IrX `c-W-Øns‚ BZy-{i-a-ß-fn-sem-∂m-Wv aucy-km-{am-Py-Xz-Øn-s‚-
sX∂v sI.-F. \oe-I-WvT-imkv{Xn A`n-{]m-b-sΠ-Sp-∂p. Cu {]kvXm-h-\-bpsS
]›m-Ø-e-Øn¬ aucy-`-c-W-Øns‚ khn-ti-j-X-Iƒ hne-bn-cp-ØpI?
- Awareness about the idea of centralisation (Score : 2)
- Examine the features of Mauryan admn. (Score : 6)
Total Score : 8 Time : 15 mts. M.P. 6
Q. No. 27, CO - 17
Assess the significance of Asoka in the history of India. To what extent he
deserves the title 'the Great'.
Areas to be considered
Dhamma of Asoka Score 2
Humamitarian measures 2
Services to Budhism 2
C¥ym-N-cn-{X-Øn¬ Atim-Is‚ {]m[m\yw hne-bn-cp-Øp-I. alm-\mb F∂
]Z-hn°v At±lw F{X-am{Xw tbmKy-\m-sW∂v ]cn-tim-[n-°pI?
Total Score : 6 Time : 10 mts. M.P. 6, 7
Q. No. 28, CO - 19
Kanishka is called "Second Asoka". Examine the validity of this statement in
the light of Kanishka's Services to Budhism.
I\n-jvIs\ c- mw Atim-I≥ F∂pw Adn-b-sΠ-Sp-∂p. At±lw _p≤-a-XØn\
p \¬Inb kw`m-h-\-I-fpsS ]›m-Ø-e-Øn¬ Cu {]kvXm-h-\-bpsS \nPÿnXn
- Developed an idea about Asoka (Score : 2)
- Analysed why Kanishka is called second Asoka (Score : 2)
Total Score : 4 Time : 8 mts. M.P. 6, 7
Q. No. 29, CO - 21
Among all the stone Age Cultures, Megalithic Culture exists in our society.
Prepare a note on the Megalithic monuments of South India.
inem-bpK kwkv°m-c-ß-fn¬ saKm-en-ØnIv kwkvImcw C∂pw kPo-h-am-Wv.
sXt° C¥y-bnse saKm-en-ØnIv kvamcIßsf-°p-dn®v hnh-cWw Xøm-dm-
- Awareness about Megalithic Culture (Score : 1)
- Megalithic monuments of South India (Score : 2)
Total Score : 3 Time : 6 mts. M.P. 8, 1
Q. No. 30, CO - 21
We are familiar with the decentralisation of power. Point out the similarities of
the Chola administration with that of present day administration.
A[n-Im-c-hn-tI-{μo-I-c-WsØ°pdn®v \ap°v Adn-hp-≈-Xm-W-t√m. CXns‚
ASn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ tNmf `cW k{º-Zm-bsØ C∂-tØ-Xp-ambn Xmc-X-ay-sΠ-SpØpI?
- Awareness about the modern administration (Score : 2)
- ,, Features of Chola Administration (Score : 4)
- ,, Comparison (Score : 2)
Total Score : 8 Time : 15 mts. M.P. 3
Q. No. 31, CO - 21
'Sangam works reflect the Society of ancient Tamilakam'. Write about the
Political, Economic and Social life of the Tamilakam in the light of the Sangam
kwL-Ir-Xn-Iƒ ]pcm-X\ Xan-g-I-Øns‚ kmaqly ]›m-Ø-e-Øn¬ shfn-sΠ-SpØp-∂
p. Cu IrXn-I-fn¬ \n∂pw e`yamIp∂ hkvXp-X-I-fpsS ASn-ÿm-\-
Øn¬ A∂sØ cmjv{So-b, kmº-Øn-I, kmaq-lnI PohnX {Ia-ßsf hne-bncp-
- Awareness about Sangam literature (Score : 2)
- Analysed Political, Economical, Social condition (Score : 4)
Total Score : 6 Time : 10 mts. M.P. 1, 4
Q. No. 32, CO - 24
In a seminar paper a student came to the conclusion that 'Gupta period was
not at all a golden age'. Critically Examine the validity of the statement.
Hcp skan-\m¿ t]Π-dn¬ Hcp hnZym¿∞n Kp]vX-Im-e-L´w kph¿Æ-Im-e-L´w
Bbn-cp-∂n-s√∂v A`n-{]m-b-sΠ-´p. Cu A`n-{]m-b-Øns‚ \nP-ÿnXn hna¿i-\mfl-
I-ambn ]cn-tim-[n-°pI?
- Developed an idea of the concept of golden age (Score : 2)
- Developed a critical analysis of the concept of golden age
(Score : 2)
- Recognised the real situation of the gupta period (Score : 2)
Total Score : 8 Time : 15 mts. M.P. 6, 7
Q. No. 33, CO
Give a brief account of the six systems of Indian philosophy and its
contemporary relevance.
C¥y-bnse Bdv Z¿i-\-ß-fpsS ka-Im-enI {]k‡nsb°p-dn®v hnh-cWw
- Formulated ideas about six Darsanas (Score : 4)
- Formulated the contemporary relevance (Score : 2)
Total Score : 6 Time : 10 mts.
Q. No. 34, CO : 26
Hiuen Tsang, The Prince of Pilgrims visited India during the time of
Harshavardhana. Give a picture of India based on the writings of Hinen
l¿j-h¿≤-\s‚ ImeØv C¥y kμ¿in® Xo¿∞m-S-I-cpsS cmP-Ip-am-c-\m-bncp∂
p lpbm-Mvkm-Mv. At±-l-Øns‚ hnh-c-W-ß-fn¬ \n∂pw C¥y-sb-°p-dn®v
Hcp hnh-cWw Xøm-dm-°pI?
- Formulated ideas about the visit of Hinen .... (Score : 2)
- Analysed the writings of Hiuen Tsam (Score : 3)
Total Score : 5 Time : 10 mts. M.P. 6, 7
Q. No. 35
It is said that Muhammed Bin Tughlaq was unwise in his administration.
apl-½Zv _n≥ XpKvfIv `c-W-]-c-amb Imcy-ß-fn¬ ]cm-P-b-am-bn-cp∂p F∂v ]db-
sΠ-Sp-∂p. N¿® sNøp-I.
- Pointed out the transfer of capital from Delhi to Devagiri (Score : 2)
- Pointed out the introduction of new token currency (Score : 2)
Total Score : 4 Time : 4 mts. Chapter : 11
Q. No. 36
The intentions behind the invasion of Muhammed Ghuri and Mahmud of
Gazni were entirely different. Compare and contrast the motives and
achievements of these invaders.
apl-½Zv Kqdn-bp-tS-bpw, Kkv\n-bnse amaq-Zn-t‚bpw Dt±-iy-߃ hyXy-ÿ-am-bn-cp-
∂p. Cu B{I-aWImcn-I-fpsS sshcp-≤yßfpw, t\´ßfpw Xmc-X-ay-sΠ-SpØpI?
- Formulated idea of the invasion of Muhammed Ghuri (Score : 2)
- Formulated idea of the invasion of Muhammed of Gazni (Score : 2)
Total Score : 4 Time : 8 mts. Chapter : 11
Q. No. 37, C.O. 29
Compare and contrast the Market Regulation System of Alavudhin Khilji to
Modern Public distribution system.
B[p-\nI s]mXp-hn-X-cW k{º-Zm-b-hp-ambn Aem-hp-±o≥ Jn¬Pn-bpsS am¿°‰v
I-tºmf ]cn-jvIm-c-ß-fpsS Xmc-Xayw sNøpI?
- Awareness about the Public Distribution System (Score : 2)
- Analysed the reforms of Khilji (Score : 3)
Total Score : 5 Time : 10 mts. M.P. 6, 7
Q. No. 38
The mughal administrative system was the most efficient administrative
system in Medieval India. Do you think so substantiate your arguments.
apKƒ `c-W-kw-hn-[m\w a[y-Ime C¥y-bnse Imcy-£-a-amb `c-W-kw-hn-[m-\-
am-bn-cp-∂p. \n߃ Cu {]kvXm-h-\-tbmSv tbmPn-°p-∂pt- m? \nß-fpsS hmZK-
Xn-Iƒ ka¿∞n-°pI?
- Analysed the central administration of the Mughals (Score : 2)
- Local admn., Revenue admn., Manjabhani and Iagirdari (Score : 6)
Total Score : 8 Time : 15 mts. Chapter : 13 C.O. 37
Q. No. 39, C.O.
The religious policy of Aurangazeb was the main cause for the decline of
Mughal Empire. In the light of this statement examine the causes of the
downfall of the Mughal Empire.
Hudw-K-tk- ns‚ aX-\-b-am-Wv apKƒ `c-W-Øns‚ A[:]X-\Imc-W-ß-fn¬
H∂v. Cu {]kvXm-h-\-bpsS ]›m-Ø-e-Øn¬ apKƒ `c-W-Øns‚ XI¿®-bpsS
Imc-W-߃ ]cn-tim-[n-°pI?
- Analysed the religious policy of Aurangazeb (Score : 2)
- Explained the other factors for the decline (Score : 3)
Total Score : 5 Time : 10 mts. M.P. 6
Q. No. 40
Mark the area of Indus Valley Civilization along with five Indus cites in the
outline map provided.
(1) Harappa
(2) Mohanjodara
(3) Lothal
(4) Rupar
(5) Kalibangan
Q. No. 41
Sher Shah was a great conqueror as well as an efficient administrator. Do
you think so. Give reasons?
sj¿j ka¿∞-\mb Hcm-{I-a-W-Im-cnbpw, `c-W-I¿Øm-hp-am-bn-cp-∂p. \n߃
Aßs\ Icp-Xp-∂pt- m? hni-Z-am-°pI?
- Evaluated the achievements of Sher Shah as a
Conqueror (Score : 4)
- Evaluated the administrative reforms of Sher Shah (Score : 4)
Total Score : 8 Time : 15 mts. C.O. 35 Chapter : 13
Q. No. 42
The first Battle of Panipat in 1526 is regarded as a decisive battle in the
history of medieval India. Do you think so? Substantiate with your
1526 ˛ se H∂mw ]m\n-Π´v bp≤w a≤y Ime-L-´-C-¥ym-N-cn-{X-Ønse Hcp \nÆm-
bI bp≤-am-bn-cp-∂p. -\n-߃ Aßs\ Icp-Xp-∂pt- m? hni-Z-am-°pI?
- Analysed the Battle of Panipat (Score : 2)
- Establishment of Mughal Exmpire (Score : 2)
Total Score : 4 Time : 8 mts. Chapter : 13
Q. No. 43
Din-i-llahi the new religion founded by Akbar was a fine example of the policy
of religious toleration followed by Akbar. Substantiate.
AIv ¿ ÿm]n® ]pXn-b-a-X-amb Zn≥ C emln aX-ku-lm¿±-Øns‚ {]Xy£
DZm-l-c-W-am-Wv. ka¿∞n-°pI?
- Identified the features of Din-i-llahi (Score : 2)
- Arrived at conclusion emphasising Akhar's idea to co-operate
with people belonged to all religious (Score : 2)
Total Score : 4 Time : 8 mts. C.O. 36 Chapter – 13
Link Column A with appropriate items from Column B and C
1. Dr. John Marshall Kalidasa Harsha vardhana
2. The Allahabad Pillar
Mahabalipuram The sacred Books of
the East
3. Navaratnas Director General The Rath type
4. Max Mullar Harisena Vikramaditya
5. Pallavas Indology Archaeological
Survey of India
Scoring Indicators
1. Col. No. 1 - Director General - Archeological Survey of India Score – 1
2. Col. No. 2 - Harisena - Harsha Vardhana Score – 1
3. Col. No. 3 - Kalidasa - Vikramaditya Score – 1
4. Col. No. 4 - Indology - Sacred Books of the East Score – 1
5. Col. No. 5 - Pallavas - Mahabalipuram – The Ratha
type Temples
Score – 1
Total Score : 5
Time : 5 minutes
1. First Thirthankara Middle Path Jainism
2. Eight Fold Path Samiti Mahabharata
3. Epics Rishabha deva Buddhism
4. Sabha Ramayana Vidhata
Scoring Indicators
1. Col. No. 1 - Rishabha deva - Jainism Score – 1
2. Col. No. 2 - Middle Path - Buddhism Score – 1
3. Col. No. 3 - Ramayana - Mahabharata Score – 1
4. Col. No. 3 - Samiti - Vidhata Score – 1
Total Score : 4
Time : 5 minutes
1. Bharatas Kautilya Buddhism
2. Arya Satya Asbbangainarga Maurya
3. Artha Sastra Triratnad Kurus
4. Parswanath Saranath Thirthankara
5. Asoka Chakra Puras National Flag
Scoring Indicators
1. Col. No. 1 - Purus - Kurus Score – 1
2. Col. No. 2 - Ashtangumarga - Buddhism Score – 1
3. Col. No. 3 - Kautilya - Mauryas Score – 1
4. Col. No. 4 - triratnas - tirthankara Score – 1
5. Col. No. 5 - Saranath - National Flag Score – 1
Total Score : 5
Time : 5 minutes
1. Prithviraj Chauhan 1526 Exodust Devagiri
2. Mohammad-bin-Tughalaq Terrissappalli Coppoplale Advaita
3. Ibrahim Lodi Battle of Tarrain Babur
4. Stanu Ravi Varma Praschchnna Buddha Muhammed Ghur
5. Sankaracharya Delhi Sultanate Ayyanadigal
Scoring Indicators
1. Col. No. 1 - Battle of Tarrain - Mahmud Ghur Score – 1
2. Col. No. 2 - Delhik Sultanate - Exodust Devagiri Score – 1
3. Col. No. 3 - 1526 - Babur Score – 1
4. Col. No. 4 - Terissappalli - Ayyanadigal Thiruvadigal Score – 1
5. Col. No. 5 - Prachchanna
- Advaita Score – 1
Total Score : 5
Time : 5 minutes
1. Find the relationship and fill in the blanks:-
a. Atula .........................
Kalhana - Rajutharangini
b. Study of coins - Nuhis Matics
Study of inscriptions - ....................
c. Jain literature .......................
Buddhist literature - Pali
d. Swetambaras and
Digambaras - Jainism
....................... - Buddhism
e. Chandra Gupta - Fa-hien
Harsha Vardhna - ...................
Scoring Indicators :
a. Mushaka Vamsa Kavya
b. Rpigraphy
c. Prakrit
d. Hinayanism and Mahayanism
e. Huan Isang
Total Score : 5
Time : 5 minutes
Find the oddman out:
1. J.S. Mill, Bil Lane, R.C. Majumdac, D.D. Kosambi
2. Rajasuya Aswamedha, Vanaprasta, Vajapeya
3. Nalanda, Taxila, Pataliputra, Vikramasila
4. Pali, Prakrit Sankrit Persian
Scoring Indicators :
a. J.S. Mill
b. Vanaprasta
c. Pataliputra
d. Persian
(Total Score : 4, Time : 5 minutes)
Find the odd man out:
1. Viswavara, Ghosha, Apala, Saraswathi
2. Aranyakas, Atharva Veda, Samaveda, Rigveda
3. Mahayanism, Hinayanism, Kanishka, Parswanatha
4. Asoka, Dhamma, Sanchi Stupa, Mehranli Allar
5. Abhinjana Sakuntalam, Vikramorvaseeyam, Malavikagni Mitram,
Mridida Khatika
1. Saraswati Score : 1
2. Aranyakas Score : 1
3. Parswanatha Score : 1
4. Mehrauli Rllar Score : 1
5. Mrichcha Khatika Score : 1
Total Score : 5 Time : 10 mts.
Choose the correct answers:
1. Study of data related to Indian history and culture
2. Study of excavated remains
3. Study of coins
4. Study of inscriptions
5. Study of the remains of plants and animals
(Paleo Biology, numismatics, Paleography, Indology, epigraphy, Palaeology,
1. Indology Score : 1
2. Archaeology Score : 1
3. Numismatics Score : 1
4. Epigraphy Score : 1
5. Palaeo - Biology Score : 1
Total Score : 5 Time : 10 mts.
Find the relationship of item A and fill in the blanks of item B similarly.
(1) a. Buddha : Kapilavastu
b. Mahavira : ...................
(2) a. Kautilya : Arthasastra
b. Magasthanese : ...................
(3) a. Harshavarthana : Hiven Tsang
b. Chandragupta II : ....................
(4) a. Sankhya System : Kapila
b. Yoga System : ..................
(5) a. First Battle of Panipat : 1526
b. Second Battle to Panipet : .........
Q. Complete the time line by writing either the event or the year.
Invasion of Alexander
78 A.D.
First Battle Panipat
Battle of Thalikotta
1) 327 1 score
2) Saka era 1 score
3) 1526 1 score
4) Second Battle of Panipat 1 score
5) 1565 1 score
Total : 5 Score

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