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CBSE Sample Paper – 2010 Class – X Subject – SOCIAL SCIENCE

Sample Paper – 2010
Class – X

TIME : 3 HOURS M.M. 80

Q.1. What do you mean by NIEO ?
What is meant by Proto – Industrialisation ?
What are Tenements ?
Q.2. Who was Martin Luther ?
Who wrote first historic novel in Bengal ? Name the novel also.
Why concept is used to stress that men enjoy power over women ?
What are ‘Sacred Groves’? Give full form of : J.F.M.
Name the tank built by Iltutmish in Delhi in the 13th century.
‘Solar energy is becoming popular in rural areas and has a bright future in India’. Explain.
What observation one could make from the reaction of American athletes at Mexico Olympic held in 1968 ?
Which concept is used to stress that men enjoy power over women ?
‘Kerela with lower per capita income has a better human development ranking than Punjab. Hence, Per Capita income is not a useful criterion at all and should not be used to compare states. Do you agree? Discuss.
When is the World’s Consumers Day Celebrated ?
Study the given statement and answer the questions that follow :
“It is certain that India cannot rival Britain or Europe in force of arms. The British worship the war-God and they can all of them become, as they are becoming, bearers of arms. The hundreds of millions in India can never carry arms. They have made the religion of non-violence their own.”
Who is this great man who spoke the words.
Give two arguments in support of the statement.
“Muslim Political organizations in India were lukewarm in their response to Civil Disobedience Movement.” Explain.
Explain three features of the Silk Route.
Explain the miserable condition of the Indian weavers during East India Company regime in the 18th
Describe the features of colonial city of India.
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :
“Anyone who had seen me reading would have compared me to a man dying of thirst who was gulping down some fresh, pure water…… Lighting my lamp with extraordinary caution, I threw myself hungrily into the reading. An Easy eloquence, effortless and animated, carried me from one page to the next without my noticing it. A clock struck off the hours in the silence of the shadows, and I heard nothing. My lamp began to run out of oil and produced only a pale light, but still I read
on. I could not even take out time to raise the wick for fear of interrupting my pleasure. How these
new ideas rushed into my brain! How my intelligence adopted them!”
Name the author of this paragraph.
How does one find the writer when he is reading ?
Analyse the message given by the writer to the readers.
Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it :
Why women should not read novels
“Dear children, don’t read these novels, don’t een touch them. Your life will be ruined. You will suffer disease and ailments. Why did the good Lord make you- to wither away at a tender age ? To suffer in disease ? To be despised by your brothers, relatives and those around you ? No. No. You must become mothers; you must lead happy lives; this is the divine purpose. You were born to fulfill this sublime goal, should you ruin your life by going crazy after despicable novels ?”
Mention the source of the given paragraph.
Analyse the message given by the writer to children.
Name the woman social reformer of Calcutta (Kolkata).
What do you know about “Belgium Model” ? Do you think it is good for democracy ? Support your answer with examples.
“The Constitution clearly provided a three fold distribution of Legislative powers between the Union and the State governments.” Explain the statement with examples.
Explain in brief the components of HDI.
“Under COPRA the Government of India has set up three tier Quasi Judicial machinery in order to solve consumer disputes”. Justify this statement.
What steps did French take to create a sense of collective identity among the French people ?
Explain the four major challenges faced by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
What is biotechnology ? Explain any five advantages of the use of biotechnology in Indian agriculture.
Which energy source in India is considered as the second major energy source ? Justify your answer by explaining four points.
How can you differentiate between Metalled roads and Unmetalled roads ?
What do you mean by ‘Vote Bank’ ? What are the factors (other than caste) that affect electoral politics ?
“The struggle of the Nepali people is a source of inspiration to democrats all over the world.” Comment.
“The Right to Information Act” acts as a “Watchdog of Democracy”. Explain
What is the difference between disguised and open unemployment ? Explain by giving three examples.
What is Central Bank ? State the important functions of Central Bank.
Nearly all major multinationals are American, Japanese or European such as Nike, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Honda, Nokia. Give four reasons.
On the political outline map of India, locate the following :
Indian National Congress held in Dec.1920
Peasant Satyagraha Movement
Arid Soil and Red Soil
An oldest oilfield of India.
Major producer state of Sugarcane
A woollen industry located in Haryana

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