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H.S.E. (I) Reg. No…………….. 650 C

March 2010 Name…….............


(For Commerce Group Candidates)

Part A

Time : 2 Hours

Cool off time : 15 mins

1. Name the control which does not have caption property. (1)

2. Fill the missing digits

(8A)16 = (……1010)2 (1)

3. Memory space provided by Operating system to store data (1)

4. Information availability increases productivity How ? (1)

5. Choose the Register Which Stores the address of the next instruction to be executed.

(a) IR (b) MBR (c) MAR (d) PC (1)

6. -------------- chip is called firmware. (1)

7. Name the High speed Internet connection used in Network . (1)

8. The link which is used to access the Web Page Faster? (1)

9. Choose the name of the storing location used for storing data .

(a) Drive (b) file (c) Folder (1)

10. Discuss the impacts of electronic data processing based on the factors of accuracy

and speed ? (2)

11. Write the significance of MSB in number representation? (2)

12. What are the factors used to increase the performance of disk memories ? (2)

13. Differentiate between Internet and Intranet (2) OR

14. Define the term protocol with example ? (2)

15. Differentiate between syntax error and logical error ? (2) OR

16. Difference between algorithm and flowchart?


17. Difference between CUI and GUI ? (2) OR

18. Write down the steps to copy a file from one folder to another ? (2)

19. The Manager of an organization handling huge amount of data decided to computerize the firm

Explain the probable reason for taking such a decision ? (3)

20. You are ask to prepare a report showing the grades obtain in each subject by the students

of your class using their marks. Explain the steps to be done for processing the data? (3)

21. Brefly explain control structures in VisualBaasic? (4)

22. Find the eight bit 2s compliment representation of the Nos given below

(a) (-23)10, (b) (149)10 (3)

23.Match the following

Disk deframentor Language processor

Optical Disk Package

Light Sensitive Device Utility

Picture element Secondary Memory

Spreadsheet Light pen

Interpreter Pixel (3)

24. Explain the various functional units of computer with neat diagram? (4) OR

25. Explain Traditional & Modern Methods Of Printing ? (4)

26 .Discuss Client/Server model in Network ? (3)

27. Explain the applicaqtion of computer in Education? (3)

28. How will we declare a variable in Visual Basic?Name and Explain Datatypes used in VisualBasic? (3)

29. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of flowchart? (4)


30.What is the use of documentation in program? (4)

31.Explains the Controls in VisualBasic ? (3)

32.Email is more convenient and economical than conventional mail justify the statement ?


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