HSE I Time: 2 Hrs
Maximum Scores: 60
1. Find the biggest number in (5555)10, (A5B5)16 and (777)8 . (2)
2. Source program ==> X ==>Object Program. Here X is a type of software, identify it. (1)
3. Name the input device using which we can directly write on the computer monitor. (1)
4. Identify the most important circuit board of the computer in which all other devices are attached
5. Differentiate between Internet and Intranet. (2)
6. An algorithm is given below. Express the same logic in the graphical form (2)
Step1: Start
Step 2: Read N
Step 3: Let C = 1, S = 0, AVG = 0
Step 4: S = S + C
Step 5: C = C + 1
Step 6: Is C <= N, GoTo Step 4
Step 7: AVG = S / N Step 8: Print S, AVG Step 9: Stop
7. What is the use of Icon property of a Form object in VB? (1)
8. Write any two form methods in VB. (2)
9. Kumar created a VB form for his class project. But while running the form he found that the
Maximize and Minimize buttons are absent on it. What can be the reason, suggest remedy. (2)
10. Write a VB statement that temporarily keep back ( not displaying) the current form object.(2)
11. Briefly describe any two applications of computer in identifying the actual criminals. (2)
12. While entering text in a textbox control on a VB form, Ajay found that only 10 characters are
appearing. He wants to type more than that. Give reason (2)
13. Multiply the binary numbers 11101 and 101 (2)
14. A student created a VB form in which a textbox present. He wants to prevent others from editing the contents when form is running. Help him to do the task. (2)
15. To connect two computers in a network, an important circuit board is needed. Identify the name and use of it. (2)
16. Express the number -20 in 2’s complement form. (2)
17. Differentiate between three types of networks based on their geographical scope. (3)
18. Suggest an easy and less costly medium to send a letter to your friend located in the Gulf country over network. Briefly explain the message structure. (3)
19. Before writing a program it is always advisable to draw a flow-chart. Justify the statement by giving the advantages of it. (3)
20. A person bought a new computer but he copied all the software from his friend’s computer. Do
you support this act? Justify your answer. (3)
21. Write the requirements for setting an Internet connection in your home. Write two advantages of
direct connection over dial-up connection. (3)
22. A student wants to display the text “Happy New Year” on a VB form. Identify the function
needed for that in VB. Write a VB event procedure. (3)
23. Write an even procedure in VB to print all even numbers between 1 and 99 when a command button is clicked. (3)
24. Is it possible to treat patients in distant places by expert doctors sitting in some other place? If
yes how? Name the technique with brief explanation. (3)
25. Write the common mouse events in VB. (3)
26. Consider the following VB code snippet and rewrite it using Do…Until loop (3)
A =1
Do While A <=10
Print A
A = A+ 1
27. Two hard-disk manufacturing companies display their products in an IT-exhibition. As a
computer student select any three important characteristics of the HDD so that you can identify the best one. Write the significance of those three characteristics also. (3)
28. Explain the components of VB-IDE with uses of each. (5) Or
29. Write an vent procedure in VB to simulate a simple calculator. Consider there are four command buttons on the form for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. (5)
30. In the case of communication a modern office is better than a conventional office. Justify the above statement. (5)
31. Following are some properties of controls in VB. Identify the control and write the usage.
( Passwordchar, Default, Autosize, Style, Appearance) (5)