Time: 2¼ Hours
HSE I Maximum: 60 Scores
1. Read the questions carefully before answering them.
2. Maximum time allowed is 2 hours 15 minutes, including cool off time.
3. First 15 minutes is cool off time during which you should not answer the
questions. This time is meant to read the questions carefully.
4. Answer all questions taking the internal choices.
1.Which are the symbols used commonly in the following number systems. a) Binary
b) Octal
c) Hexadecimal
d) Decimal (1 mark)
2. How can you measure the qualities of information? (4 marks)
3. Complete the series
a) 0 , 1, 10, ,
b) 0111, 1000, ,
(2 marks)
4. (39.375) 10 = (?) 2 (2 marks)
5. Express –14 in 2’s complement form. (2 marks)
6. What is the advantage of Unicode over ASCII. (1 mark)
7. Which input device is used to draw directly on the screen. (1 mark)
8. Give two advantages of digital camera over ordinary camera. (2 marks)
9. What is the function of a compiler. (1 mark)
10.Define a computer network. What are its advantages. (or)
11. Write a program in VB to check whether a number is odd or even . (5 marks).
12. Define URL with an example. (2 marks).
13. Draw a flowchart to find the factorial of a number. (3 marks).
14.What is debugging? (1 mark)
15. Define copyright. (2 marks)
16. What is a modem. Where is it used? (2 marks)
17. Define the following terms. a) e-commerce
b) animation
c) e-mail (3 marks)
18.Explain the application of computers in the field of medicine and health care.
(3 marks).
19.Define Office Automation. (2 marks).
20.What is Teleconferencing? What are its merits? (3 marks).
21.What is a web-browser? Give an example. (2 marks).
22. What is event-driven programming? (2 marks)
23. Explain the function of input box with syntax and example. (2 marks)
24. What is the difference between key press and key down event? (2 marks)
25. What is the use of the default property of the command button control. (1 mark)
26.How can you make a text box read only. (1 mark)
27. Predict the output a=5
print a/b print a\b
print a mod b
print a^b ( 2 marks)
28. What is the difference between option button and check box. (1 mark).
29.Explain any three looping statements with examples
30 .Explain the functional unit of a computer using a block diagram (5 marks)