Time: 2.15 Hrs
HSE 1 Maximum: 60 Scores
1. Read the questions carefully before answering them.
2. Maximum time allowed is 2 hours 15 minutes, including cool off time.
3. First 15 minutes is cool off time during which you should not answer the questions. This
Time is meant to read the questions carefully.
4. Answer all questions taking the internal choices.
1. Meaningful data is called…………………….. (1 Score)
2…………………is the sign bit of the binary equivalent of the number -45 (1 Score)
3. Find the 2’s complement of 100110 in 8-bit format (1 Score)
4. Find the odd one out: a) mouse b) web camera c) MICR d)speaker (1 Score)
5. (4AB) 16+(3AB)16=……………… (1 Score)
6. The process of rearranging files and free space on your computer is known as ……….. (1 Score)
7. Match the following
A B Processor Morphing MRI Scanning E-Governance Film making Celeron
Single window Admission Process Medicine (2 Score )
8. A student in India can join for a course in Russia and complete all his studies and get his certificate irrespective of his location of living or presence. This can be achieved with the help of a computer and internet connection.
a)Name the type of education ?
b)What are the facilities offered in this type of education? Explain any two. ( 2 Score )
9. Convert 100011012 in to octal (2 Score) OR
10. Your friend Vivek wants to buy a new computer . Can you give any suggestions
for him ? (2Score)
11. Subract (1101)2 from (11011)2 (2 Score)
12. Differentiate impact and non impact printers (2 Score)
13. IDE stands for…………………………. (1Score)
14. A control which is not visible at run time is ……………….. (1 Score)
15. Draw a Flowchart to print multiples of 2 up to 50 (3 Score) OR
16. Define controls, properties and events in VB. (3 Score)
17. Predict the output of the algorithm below
Step1 Read N, Sum=0, I=1
Step2 Sum=Sum+I Step3 I=I+1
Step4 if I<=5 then repeat Step 2&3
Step5 Print Sum
Step6 Stop (2 Score) OR
18. Which control has the property windowstate and give the use? (2 Score)
19. Consider the terms related to Visual Basic
Categorize the terms and write short description about each category ( 2 Score )
20. Explain looping structures in VB with examples of each (5 Score)
21. Give the syntax of Select Case structure (2 Score)
22. What is the difference between Do… While and Do…Until statements in VB? (3 Score)
23. List out the errors in the following program and correct it
Privatesub command1-click
Dim d as int
Selectcase d
Case1 text1.text=Sunday Case2 text2.text=Monday Case3 text3.text=Tuesday Case4 text4.text=Wednesday Case5 text5.text=Thursday Case6 text6.text=Friday Case7 text7.text=Saturday Caseelse
Msg box(wrong data! Please enter a number between 1 and 7)
Endsub (4 Score)
24.Rewrite the following program using For and Do Until loops
Dim I as integer
While I>=1
Print I I=I-1
Wend (3 Score)
25. Compare traditional and modern methods of communication in an office ( 3 Score)
26. Explain the types of computer networks with examples of each (5 Score) OR
27. Briefly explain the input /output devices .(any three of each) (5 Score)
28. What is meant by topology? Explain any three topologies in LAN with suitable diagram (5 Score)
29. Explain the applications of computers in entertainment and education (3 Score)
30. What are the steps to create and send an e-mail through internet ? (2 Score)