HSE (I) March 2010
Maximum: 60 Scores
Time: 2 Hrs. Cool off Time: 15 Mt
1. Define data? Give example? [1]
2. Convert into the following numbers to appropriate base?
i. (25)10 = (…)2
ii. (A)16 = (…)2 [2]
3. Pick odd one out?
a) ROM b) RAM c) EPROM d) EEPROM [1]
4. Copying a software product without the legal permission of its vender is known as …... [1]
5. What is teleconferencing? [1]
6. Give examples of software for internet connections? [1]
7. What is means by “Human Beings are masters and computers are slaves” [1]
8. Convert the number -12 to 2’s complement method (use 8 bit representation) [1]
9. What is the importance of UPS in a computer system? [1]
10. Differentiate between Internet and Intranet? [2]
11. Give minimum requirement for getting an internet connection? [2]
12. Many errors can be identified during the translation as well as execution of a program.
Identify the errors? [2]
13. Write briefly on any of the two input devices? [2]
14. Write the algorithm for finding the biggest among the 3 numbers? [3]
15. Draw the flowchart for displaying the sum and average of 3 numbers? [3]
16. Explain the traditional methods for document preparation? [3]
17. Give a brief comparison between LAN, MAN and WAN? [3]
18. a) “An operating system is like a mediator”, Comment
b) List out and write brief notes on the different operating systems you know? [4]
19. What is office automation? Give methods for office automation? [4]
20. “Computers are indispensable parts of human life”.
Identify this statement with at least 5 suitable areas of applications? [5]
21. Explain the components of IDE? [3]
22. How will you set a title for a window form as “Hello World” [1]
23. How will you display “Happy Birthday” in a small window on clicking a command button
in a VB application? [2]
24. Differentiate between option button and check box button? [2]
25. Briefly explain the operators used in VB? [3]
26. Match the Following?
1) Name of Student a) Integer
2) Sex (Male/Female) b) String
3) Date of Birth c) Boolean
4) Score d) Date [4]
27. Write the coding procedure used in VB using examples [5]
28. Write a VB program to display the first n Odd numbers? [5]