1. Nibble = ....................
Hcp Nibble = .................... (Score 1)
2. Identity the positional value of the underlined digit in the data given below
Underline sNbvX digit˛s‚ ÿm\-hne GXv ? (Score 1)
3. Your computer is working in Linux Os. Name the web browser that can be used to access internet
\nß-fpsS Iºyq-´¿ Linux Os-¬ BWv {]h¿Øn-°p-∂X.v \n߃°v Internet access sNøm≥
klm-bn-°p∂ Hcp web browser t]cv Fgp-XpI (Score 1)
4. Identity the odd one from the following
a) Word processor b) Spreadsheet c) UNIX d) DTP software
Iq´-Øn¬s∏-Sm-ØXv GXv
a) Word processor b) Spreadsheet c) UNIX d) DTP software
(Score 1)
5. Consider your school Library. List down the different data processing activities and connect them in the context of library.
\nß-fpsS kvIqƒ Library- bn¬ \S-°p∂ Data processing activities GsX√mw
(Score 3)
6. Find the biggest among the following numbers
b) (1101011)
Xmsg-s°m-Sp-Øn-cn-°p-∂-Xn¬ henb kwJy GXv
b) (1101011)
(Score 2)
7. Suggest the most appropriate input device for the following situations a) Quick processing of cheques and DDís in bank
b) Artists and architects use this device to develop computerised designs
Xmsg-∏-d-bp∂ kµ¿`-߃°v G‰hpw A\p-tbm-Py-amb Input device \n¿t±-in-°pI
a) Bank- ¬ Cheques & DD bpw Ffp-∏-Øn¬ Process sNøp-∂-Xn\v
b) Computerised design sNøm≥ artists Dw architect Dw D]-tbm-Kn-°p∂ D]-I-cWw
8. How utility softwares ensure the smooth functioning of the computer ? Explian with an ex- ample.
Utility software Iƒ Iºyq-´-dp-I-fpsS kpK-a-amb {]h¿Ø-\sØ Fßs\ klm-bn-°p∂p
F∂v DZm-l-c-W-k-lnXw hni-Z-am-°pI (Score-2)
9. If your friend asked you some doubts about the different shapes used in a flowchart and their usage, what will be your answer.
Hcp kplrØv Flowchart symbol -epI-fpsS shape t\bpw D]-tbm-K-tØbpw Ipdn®v kwibw
tNmZn-®m¬ \nß-fpsS adp-]Sn F¥m-bn-cn-°pw. (Score-3) OR
10. Your teacher asked you to prepare a flowchart for listing all the odd numbers below 50. Draw it
\nßfpsS 50 ¬ So®¿ Xmsg-bp≈ odd number display sNøp-∂Xn\p≈ flowchart Xøm-dm-
°m≥ Bh-iy-s∏-Sp-∂p. CXn-\p-th≠ flowchart hc-bv°p-I. (Score-3)
Give the common name for general purpose application software. Discuss about any 2 of them.
General purpose application software s‚ s]mXp-hmb t]cv F¥v ? GsX-¶nepw c≠n-s\-°p-
dn®v hni-Zo-I-cn-°pI (Score-3)
12. Name the type of network most suitable for each of the following situations and briefly ex- plain it.
a) A bank needs to interconnect all its branches across the city
b) All district headquarters in a state are to be connected by a network c) A university wants to build a computer network in the campus
Xmsg∏-d-bp∂ kµ¿`-߃°v G‰hpw tbmPn® network type \n¿t±-in-®v, hni-Zo-I-cn-°pI
a) Hcp Bank \v Htc City ˛¬ D≈ Ah-cpsS Branch Isf _‘n-∏n-°m≥
b) Hcp kwÿm-\-Ønse F√m Pn√m tI{µ-ß-sfbpw XΩn¬ _‘n-∏n-°m≥
c) Hcp university˛°v Ah-cpsS campus ˛≥ D≈n¬ Hcp network D≠m-°m≥
13. Raju uses his telephone line for connecting to the internet
a) Does he require any other device to make this connection
b) He finds that his connection is very slow. Can you help him by suggesting a faster alterna tive
cmPp Internet connect sNøm≥ telephone line D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂p.
a) Cu connection- \v a‰v D]-I-c-W-ß-fpsS Bh-iy-apt≠m
b) Cu connection hfsc slow BWv. \n߃°v CXn\v Hcp faster alternative \n¿t±-in-
14. I was working in the WINDOWS environment Accidently, I deleted a file. Can I restore it ?
How ?
Rm≥ WINDOWS OS D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂p. A_-≤-Øn¬ delete sNbvX Hcp file Xncn-s®-Sp-°p- hm≥ km[n-°p-tam. Fß-s\-sb∂v hni-Z-am-°pI (Score-2)
15. You want to upgrade your PC with the latest processor and corresponding components available in the market. Give a brief account of your selection.
\n߃°v G‰hpw ]pXnb processor- Dw A\p-_‘ D]-I-c-W-ßfpw D]-tbm-Kn®v \nß-fpsS
Iºyq-´-dns\ upgrade sNø-Ww. Fs¥ms° Bbn-cn°pw \nß-fpsS selection
16. My friend had an accident while working in us. He files a suit in the court for claiming medi- claim policies. The court asks for submitting the records during the treatment period. How it can be made possible.
\nß-fpsS kplr-Øn\v us-¬ h®v Hcp A]-ISw D≠m-bn. Medi claim \p th≠n Abmƒ
tImS-Xn-bn¬ tIkv file sNbvXp. tImSXn NnIn-’-bpsS hni-Zmw-i-߃ Bh-iy-s∏-´p. AsX- ßs\ available B°m≥ km[n-°pw. (Score-3)
17. Office automation improves the efficiency of an office. Justify your answer
Office automation office-s‚ Imcy-£-aX Fßs\ h¿≤n-∏n-°p∂p F∂v justify sNøp-I.
18. Ajith wants to create a free email address for him. Name two websites which support this facility ?.
Ajith- \v free email address D≠m-°m≥ kuIcyw \¬Ip∂ c≠v website- s‚ t]cv Fgp-XpI
19. You may be browsing at a public internet cafe. The next person who uses the computer after you, should not know the websites visited by you. So what you should do after you finish browsing ?
\n߃ Hcp Internet cafe-¬ browse sNøp-∂p. \n߃°v tijw B computer D]-tbm-Kn-
°p∂ Bƒ°v \n߃ D]-tbm-Kn® website ImWm≥ km[n-°-cp-Xv. CXn-\p-th≠n browsing
\ptijw \n߃ F¥p sNø-Ww. (Score-2)
20. The file extension of a file created in MS Excel is............................
MS Excel File s‚ extension BWv ......................... (Score-1) OR
21. You want to display your name in decorated text. Which ption in MS Word provide this
\nßfpsS t]cv IqSp-X¬ BI¿j-I-ambn display sNøm≥ MS Word ˛¬ D≈ facility GXmWv
22. In presentation software, what do you mean by slide layout
Presentation software- ¬ slide layout F∂m¬ F¥v ? (Score-1)
23. You know that alignment of the text will increase the beauty of that work. What are the differ- ent text alignments provided in MS Word.
Alignment \nßfpsS work s\ IqSp-X¬ at\m-l-c-am-°p-a-t√m. MS Work \¬Ip∂ text align-
ments GsX-√m-amWv (Score-3)
24. Raju wants to insert some special symbol in his project. What are the steps to be taken for this.
Raju- hn\v Abm-fpsS project˛¬ Ipd®v special symbol ˛ep-Iƒ insert sNø-Ww. AXn-\p≈
steps GsX√mw (Score-2)
25. The typical file processing system has a number of disadvantages. Explain how DBMS
overcome these disadvantages.
Typical file processing system- Øn\v [mcmfw Ipd-hp-Iƒ D≠v. DBMS Cu Ipd-hp-Isf
Fßs\ ]cn-l-cn-°p∂p F∂v hni-Z-am-°p-I. (Score-3)
26. Your friend ask you to clarify the difference between forms and Reports in DBMS. How can you help him.
\nßfpsS kplr-Øn\v DBMS- se Forms Dw ReportsDw XΩn-ep≈ hyXymkw hni-Zo-I-cn-
®p-sIm-Sp-°mtam ? (Score-2)
27. ëPower point allows the users to create highly stylized images for slide shows and reportsí.
Justify this statement by mentioning at least 3 facilities available in this software.
ëIqSp-X¬ BI¿j-I-amb slide Ifpw Report Ifpw \n¿Ωn-°p-hm≥ powerpoint \Ωsf klm- bn-°p-∂p.í Cu statement s\ km[q-I-cn-°m≥ power point ep≈ GsX-¶nepw aq∂p facilities hni-Z-am-°p-I. (Score-3)
28. XYZ PVT LTD store the payroll data in an Excel worksheet as shown below.
Write down the steps to complete this worksheet by calculating DA, HRA, PF & Net Salary
( Hints DA = 35% of Basic Pay
HRA is calculated as follows
If Basic pay > = 8000 HRS = 1000
If Basic pay > = 5000 and
Basic Pay < = 8000 HRA = 750
Otherwise HRA = 500
PF = 15% of basic pay
Net Salary = Basic pay +DA+HRA-PF)
XYZ PVT LTD Ah-cpsS payroll data Hcp Excel worksheet- ¬ sImSp-Øn-cn-°p-∂p. X∂n-cn-
°p∂ kqN-\-Iƒ D]-tbm-Kn®v worksheet ˛se blank columns ]q¿Æ-am-°pI.