Search Question Papers




Time: 2hours


Cool off time: 15 mts

Maximum: 60 scores

(For commerce students)



1) Write down the MSB and LSB of the following number (1) (1011101.1010)2

2) A computer cannot take its own decision. Justify the statement? (2)

3) Mention any 2 qualities of information? (1)

4) Represent -17 in 2s complement method (use 8 bit representation) (2)

5) Convert (3A.6D) 16 to binary form (2)

6) Which property of ROM makes it suitable for permanent storage? (1)

7) Name the two common pointing devices? Also compare their features? (3)

8) A teacher asked the class to list out all the even number below 50. Draw a flowchart for this? (3)


9) Write the algorithm for displaying the sum and average of 3 numbers? (3)

10) Power failure while operating a PC may result in the loss of data. What is the solution for this problem? (1)

11) What type of networks is required for each of the following situation based on geographical area?

a) A bank needs to interconnect all its branches across the city. (1)

b) All district headquarters in the state are to be connected by a network. (1)

c) A university wants to build a computer network in the campus. (1)

12) Mention the importance of documentation and debugging in the development of a program? (2)

13) Pratip is working in USA as a system analyst and is unable to attend the marriage of his sister Priya. Priya wants to send a photograph of the marriage function to Pratip. Which service can be used for this purpose? (1)

14) You have to present a seminar on the topic Different types of operating systems. List out and prepare brief notes on the above topic to be included in the seminar? (4)

15) Computers are used in all walks of life. Justify the above statement with at least 5 suitable areas in which computers are used? (5)

16) Explain the classification of office models? (3) OR

17) Explain the Modern methods for document preparations? (3)

18) Pick out the odd one out:

a)Mozilla b)Mosaic c)Altavista d) Internet explorer (1)

19) Suppose you want to visit a website frequently. Which is the easiest method to visit the site without retyping its address? (1)

20) Differentiate between Hub and Switch? (2)

21) Ravi wants to store a text file of size 1.8MB on a new floppy disk. How this is possible considering the capacity of the floppy? (2)


22) How Traditional programming differs from Event-driven programming? (2) OR

23) Identify the properties. Methods and events of a television set? (2)

24) Mention the numeric data types used in VB? (3)

25) ---------------------- property controls the resizing behaviors of a form (1)

26) Differentiate between OPTION BUTTON and CHECKBOX? (2)

27) Identify the types of operators used in each of the following? Also find the result when X = 5 and Y = 3

a) X MOD Y b) X / Y c) X \ Y (3)

28) During design time, a Label has to behave in the following Manner. What property is required in each situation? (4)

a) It should shrink or grow to fit its contents. b) It should place the caption at the center.

c) It should vertically grow so that more than one line is can fit into it. d) It should be displayed with an outline.

29) Explain the Decision statements in VB with suitable examples? (5) OR

30) A VB application is to be created for displaying the sum of first n (5) Natural numbers.

a) Design the form with proper controls?

b) Write the VB code for displaying the Sum using DO WHILE . LOOP.


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