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HSE (I) Model Examination February 2010 COMPUTER APPLICATION (For commerce group candidates)

Model Examination February 2010

COMPUTER APPLICATION (For commerce group candidates) Max:60 Scores

Time : 2 hrs. Cool off time: 15 mins.

1) Identify the LSD and MSD of the number 456.85 (1)

2) How can you search a topic from internet? (2)

3) Your friend wish to buy a printer for his computer. Can you advice him the different types of printers available in the market? (3)

4) Explain the terms (a) e-commerce (b) e-governance (c) email (3)

5) What are the traditional methods of communications used in offices? In modern offices what are the methods used for communication? (4)

6) The teacher asked you to list the first 10 even numbers. Can you draw a flowchart for this? (3)

7) How can you classify computer networks based on the geographical area around which the network is spread over? (3)

8) Suppose you are purchasing a new computer. Is it legal to copy all the softwares from your friends computer to your computer? Give reason. (2)

9) Your younger sister asked you to download her favourite film song from internet. What is meant by downloading. (1)

10) What is the use of computers in medical field? (2)

11) What do you mean by a paperless office? (2)

12) Subtract 1101 from 11101 in binary (1)

13) Convert 345 to binary and to hexadecimal (2)

14) Explain various types of ROM. (3) OR

15) Give short notes on different types of errors in programming. (3)

16) Categorize the following items as software or hardware

(a)linux (b)Joystick (c)Visual Basic (d)Mouse (2)

17) Differentiate between browser and server (3)

18) What are the advantages of using computers (4)

19) When you run your VB project, the form must be displayed in minimized

state. How can you achieve this? (1)

20) What are the events associated with a form? (2) OR

21) Why form is called the basic building block of VB application? (2)

22) Explain the different loop statements in VB with examples. (5) OR

23) Write the VB program code to find largest of n numbers. (5)

24) Give the proper data type that you will suggest for these data in VB

25) Differentiate between option button and checkbox controls in VB


26) List the components in VB IDE.


27) How can you create a form in VB without any border?


28) What are the logical operators in VB?


29) Explain the purpose of select case statement in VB


(a) Rs.500/- (b) Name (c) Date of birth (d) Result(Pass/Fail) (2)

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