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Convert the following information into Data

“Ramu is studying in +2 Commerce Batch

11100.010, identify LSB and MSB




Input device used for Quick Processing of Cheques and DDS in Bank



Define E-Commerce



Name two popular search engine


The property used to set to display address in a text box control



The statement used to terminate a VB program


8. If you are a journalist and you are assigned to interview the candidates for election all over Kerala at a time, what technique will you prefer? Explain (2)

9. Illustrate the advantages of EDP over MDP (2)

10. (a) 10101 + 1101 = ? (2) (b) 2s compliment of 18 = ?

11. a) (63)10 = ( )2 b) (589)10 = ( )8 (2)

12. The data fed to the computer first reached the RAM and then to the processor, there are some areas which hold the address or data temporarily. Identify such memory

locations. Explain any two. (2)

13. Compare CRT and LCD based on principle of development of an image (2) OR

14. Mention any two secondary storage device and explain (2)

15. Your friend gifted you a pirated CD on your birthday. Explain him about (2)

a) Piracy b) Copyright

16. Films like Titanic, Jurassic Park, KingKong, Avatar has used the feature of computer Explain any two features. (2)

17. Explain the parts of the following web address: (2)

18. Write a program statement to give following message in a message box with OK button in it

Computer Application while clicking command button. (2)

19. i) Project explorer window facilities switching between the code and object say True or false

ii) There are two drop down list in code window. Name this. (2)

20. Name the most appropriate controls (2)

a) To select languages known (English, Hindi or Malayalam)

b) To select religion c) To accept address

d) To do a specific action

21. Do you accept computer as a system? Justify your answer by explaining the functional units of computer. (3)

22. Draw a flowchart and explain the symbols used to find the simple interest

(SI=PN(R/100) (3)

23. Briefly explain the network (3)

i) a) to interconnect the branches of a bank across the city b) to inter connect the district head quarters in the state c) to inter connect computers in a university campus

ii) Differentiate Internet and Intranet

24. As a computer student suggest the specification for (3)

a) A standard home PC

b) An advanced DTP centre

25. Mention the application of computer in

a) Defence b) Government c) School (3)

26. Classify the following. (3)

a) Written document b) Typewriting c) Cyclostating

d) Electronic typewriting e) Photostat f) Printer g) Fax h) Telephone i) Postal j) Telex k) Email l) Voice system m) Messenger

n) Teleconferencing

27. Differentiate between (3) (a) option button and check box

(b) value property of option button and check box

28. Identify invalid variable name and give reasons. (3)

i) a) End b) xyz c) sub1 d) date e)

ii) How will you declare variable in VB

iii) Write the significance of variant data type


29. Write a program code to print number 1 to 10 using Do while & Do until. (3)

30. Rewrite the following code segment using select case (5) If colorcode = Wthen

Msg box. whiteElse if colorcode = O then

Msg box Orange


End if

Msg box Wrong Selection

31. The following are the details of your biodata. Find the data types used for this and explain. (5)

Name, Sex, Grade, Age, Date of Birth, Qualification, Percentage obtained, Address

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