Computer Application
HSE I Time: 2.15 hrs.
Max. Marks: 60
1. Name the data type that is needed for the variable specified below.
Name = “Anil” 1
2. Specify the loop in VB that guarantees to work when the condition is false? 1
3. How many times will the following program will print “St. Joseph’s HSS”?
While I=1
print” St. Joseph’s HSS” Wend
4. When following piece of code is executed, what will be the values of a and b?
a = 3 b = 1
a = a mod b
b= a/b 1
5. Differentiate between a Run Time Error and Syntax Error. 2
6. Define the following terminologies:
(i) Track (ii) Sector 2
7. Define the term topology. Write any two features of any one topology. 3
8. Rewrite the following code snippet using select case statement: If in = ‘C’ Then
Print “Child”
else If in == ‘T’ Then
Print “Teen”;
Print “Adult”;
End IF 3
9. Write an algorithm an its flowchart to input two numbers and find its sum and average. 3
10. What is URL. Explain with the help of an example. 3
11. The following table shows some numbers in various number systems.
Fill up the blanks in the table as filled in first row.
Decimal | Binary | Hexadecimal |
…………. | 1001111 | ……………… |
………… | ………… | 1F |
…………. | 1100011 | …………. |
101 | ………… | ………….. |
………… | …………. | A2B |
12. Design a VB program to calculate Simple Interest. 5
13. Design a VB program to convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice
Versa. Conversion must be done using function (Hint: f=(1.8*c)+32 and c=(f-32)/1.8) 5
14. Design a simple calculator in VB. 5
15. Kavitha wants to know about data processing. Explain her what is data processing
and the various stages involved in data processing with the help of sutable example. 5
16. Identify the topology displayed in the exhibit.
17. Name any two operating systems that are commonly used. 2
18. A list of input devices are given below:
(i) Keyboard (ii) MICR (iii) OMR (iv) Scanner
(v) Joystick (vi) Light Pen (vii) Barcode Reader
Select the most appropriate device for the following situations. Also specify any one feature of the device you proposed.
(a) Artists and architects use this device to develop computerized designs. (b) A DTP operator to input pictures and photographs.
(c) Children use this device for playing computer games. (d) For evaluating objective type examinations.
(e) Quick processing of bank cheques. 5
19. State the difference between using the following statement a. For Loop
b. Do Until 5