Part III
HSE I Time 2 hours
Cool of time 15
Maximum: 60 scores
1. In Gandhiji’s early child hood he possessed some values. Give an incident to show that he is truthful from the very beginning Score:5
2. Gandhiji called Jesus as ……………among satyagrahies Score:1
3. Gandhiji’s married life is lasted for 62 years. In his later years what was his opinion about child marriage. Score:3
4. Narrate Gandhiji’s first experience in connection with the racial discrimination in South Africa Score:6
5. In1906 Gandhiji took a vow for dedicating himself to the nation. Point out the vow Score:1
6. Explain the role of Natal Indian Congress in connection with the tax reduction of
Indians in South Africa. Score:4
7. At the time of Ahmedabad labour strike Gandhiji gave five conditions to the satyagrahies for the success of strike. Mention the conditions Score:5
8. Name the first satyagraha of Gandhiji in India. Score:1
9. Gandhiji considered……….. as his political guru Score:1
10. Best Government is that which governs least. Illustrate the idea /statement
11. Gandhiji considered Gita as his mother, guide, kamadhenu …etc. Briefly explain the influence of Bhagavat Gita on Gandhiji. Score:5
12. Truth and non-violence are the two fundamental principles of Mahadma Gandhi.
His entire life and philosophy was based on this. Comment. Score:3
13. Gandhiji considered himself as man of non –violence of the brave. List out the different levels of Ahimsa with your comments/opinion. Score:3
14. Gandhian Sarvodaya order of society is free from seven social evils. Mentioned the seven social evils. Score:6
15. Differentiate between Satyagraha and passive resistance. Score:3
16. According to Gandhiji politics and spirituality cannot be separated .substantiate.
17. In Kerala one famous satyagraha greatly influenced the Temple entry proclamation of 1936,issued by Shri Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma. Name the satyagraha and explain its significance Score:5
18. In 1919 the British government legally obtained the power to imprison any person with out trial in a court of law. Name the Act. Score:1